Taxi Driver
Why Should You Ask Your Taxi Driver for Your Name Before Starting Your Journey?

Travelling is something that you may love, but safety is something that you should be responsible for, mainly in your own case. When it comes to travelling from one location to another in a city, you often get help from taxis. But are you maintaining complete safety in this aspect? You might have been lucky the previous time, and you may not be so the next time! So, what should you do to keep yourself safe and secure?

When you book a taxi near Dandenong, whether in advance or at the last minute, even if you communicate with the provider, you don’t have information about the driver. You literally don’t know who will come to your location to pick you up. So, on the day of action, you should make sure that, once a taxi comes to your doorstep and the driver sneaks out to say that this is your cab, you ask them for your name. If they are able to say it, you are safe and can get started. But if they cannot, simply avoid them.

There are many dodgy operators who may pull over their cabs in front of you and pretend that this is your ride. If they don’t know your name, you can take it as an unfavourable situation and, thereby, dodge them right away. But this is not the end; there are more effective safety tips that can help you be safe while travelling in a taxi. Read the following to learn about them:

1) If the taxi is able to say your name as the booking name, you should check the car properly and quickly before getting inside it. You need to make sure that it is clean and well-presented. If not, you may choose to reject it there and then.

2) Once you get inside the vehicle after checking its cleanliness and presentability, ask the driver for their ID. If the taxi service in Dandenong is legitimate, it will undoubtedly have the driver’s ID displayed somewhere visible to you. So, when you see it, check if the photo matches the person sitting behind the wheel.

3) If you are travelling alone in a taxi, you should prefer sitting in the back. This will ensure that the driver doesn’t have any scope to overpower you if they intend to do so, and that you are away from the curb, making it difficult for anyone to open the door and snatch your bag.

4) If you get into a conversation with your taxi driver, make sure that you don’t disclose your personal information.

Never make moves that lead to an unsafe zone for you, especially when you are travelling in a taxi alone. Firstly, make sure that you connect with the best taxi service near you. Secondly, ensure that you are completely safe during your journey. Following the above-mentioned points can keep you on the right track.

Book Your Ideal Local Taxi in Dandenong with Taxi Dandenong White Cab Now

If you want to travel safely, comfortably, and luxuriously to your next location in a taxi, count on us without looking any further. We are affordable and have the best cars and drivers to assist you. So, call us now at 0422 220 009 to get started.